
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Condenser & Turbine Extractions


What is condensation
 * process of conversion from vapour to liquid

* vacuum is sub-atmospheric pressure, measured as the pressure depression below atmospheric
* vacuum is created in a closed chamber of the gas or vapour whose molecules are responsible for the internal fluid pressure, is partially withdrawn
* one Kg of water vapour at 0.1 bar occupies 14.695 cubicmt whereas after condensation it will occupy only 0.0010102 cubicmt of liquid

How is vacuum created
* the liquidating of most the vapour molecules creates region of emptiness thus creating vacuum

What is condenser
* heat exchanger, to condense steam from the exhaust of the turbine to water

Where is it located
* at the exhaust of turbine


Why is it required
* to receive large volumes of steam exhausted from steam prime mover (turbine)
* to condense large volumes of steam to water which may be used again in boiler
* to maintain pressure below atmisphere to increase work output from the prime mover (turbine)€
Type of condenser
* surface condensers
* jet condensers


 Condenser specification
* manufacturer                   GEC
* steam flow                      50.84 Kg/s
* vacuum                           115 mbar
* surface area                    3459.8 SqM
* outside dia of tubes         19.05 mm 
* tube wall thickness          1.016 mm 
* number of tubes              6322
* tube materials                  admirality mixture brass
* cooling water i/l temp      34 DegC
* cooling water o/l temp     43.38 DegC
* cooling water quantity     10231.2 tph    
* tube plate material           carbon steel
* number of passes            1
* cooling water temp rise   9.38 DegC                                    



Low Pressure Heater - 1
* surface area      130.81 sq.m
* no of tubes        210
* tube material      stainles steel
* shell material      carbon steel
* water quantity    61.09 Kg/s
* head loss           4.64 m
* steam quantity   3.773 Kg/s

Low Pressure Heater - 2
* surface area      130.81 sq.m
* no of tubes        210
* tube material      stainles steel
* shell material      carbon steel
* water quantity    61.09 Kg/s
* head loss           4.64 m
* steam quantity   4.33 Kg/s


* tank storage capacity         49.59 cu.m
* feed inlet quantity              61.09 Kg/s
* temperature                       114.6 DegC
* heater drain quantity           12.40 Kg/s
* heater drain temp               202.4 DegC
* bled steam quantity            3.794 Kg/s
* bled steam temp                189 DegC
* feed water outlet quantity   77.28 Kg/s
* feed water temp                 155.6 DegC


High Pressure Heater - 4
* surface area                   264.2 sq.m
* desuperheating               35.39 sq.m
* no of tubes                     372
* tube & shell materaial     carboon steel
* water quantity                77.28 Kg/s
* water velocity                1.427 m/s
* head loss                       1.74 m
* feed water inlet temp     157.6 deg C
* feed water outlet temp   200.7 deg C
* steam quantity               6.33 Kg/s
* steam temp                    296.6 deg C
* steam pressure              15.88 bar

High Pressure Heater - 5
* surface area                   264.2 sq.m
* desuperheating               53.18 sq.m
* no of tubes                     372
* tube & shell materaial     carboon steel
* water quantity                77.28 Kg/s
* water velocity                1.508 m/s
* head loss                       2 m
* feed water inlet temp     200.7 deg C
* feed water outlet temp   237.7 deg C
* steam quantity               6.07 Kg/s
* steam temp                    380.1 deg C
* steam pressure              31.18 bar

prepared by Girish R

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