
Saturday, March 19, 2011

DEH Pump

* unable to built up pressure during pump change over
* status after trial with coordinating electrical,mechanical and instrument team 
  • running pump 2A current 4.4 amp, pressure 38.30 kg/cm2, vibration normal,no sound
  • pump 2B started at 09:41, current 4.3 amp, during both pump running pressure gradually increased up to 39.13 kg/cm2, vibration normal, no sound
  • after taking trial for 10 minutes pump 2B stop at 09:51, pressured drop up to 37.25 Kg/cm2 (which is normal).
(DEH pump checking 7/3/11)

pump checking with open the venting plug and rotate manual the motor  by hand, oil coming out normal

take out the motor and checking condition of coupling, teeth of coupling & teflon still in good condition

lift / take out the pump check all condition of connection and bolt also suction filter pump, all in good

* after all checking than reassembly and trial, pressure ok, keep in stand by, with running pump 2A
* instrument replace pressure indicator with new one

MTC advice after checking:
" we suggest to electrical for tightening connection cable to the motor better use proper tools not tighten the nut with plier "

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